The Renaissance of Nnobi Union North America (NUNA) at Atlanta, Georgia 2014

The starting of any enduring human organization is often characterized with ups and down stories. It always takes some few dedicated, committed, and never quit individuals to get an organization going. Such is the story of this organization of the Nnobi people in North America, NUNA.

In the year 2003, Nnobi people in USA converged in Minnesota and formed Nnobiusa, but certain human exigencies did not allow it to fly. NUNA appreciates the efforts of all those who were involved in the formation of Nnobiusa; though it did not last, at least, a good idea was hatched. We must not allow our past history to hold us bondage. Rather, let the experiences of the past guide our future strategies to march ahead with strong determination and commitment to do better.

The non-existence of an organization of “Ndi Nnobi” in North America was a matter of concern for many Nnobians who continued to ask the questions: Why could not “Ndi Nnobi” in North America organized themselves as others towns from the same state and region in Nigeria do? Does it mean that they are not enough to form a community in diaspora? Of course, not. There is a huge number of Nnobians living in North America, and are more than enough and capable of organizing themselves to build a strong and viable Nnobi community in diaspora.

However, it took a little over a decade before a few Nnobi sons and daughter, championed by Rudolf Okonkwo, started to pick up the idea of forming an organization that would unite “Ndi Nnobi” in North America again. This effort resulted in the formation of Nnobi Union North America (NUNA). Prior to the inauguration of the union a small group of Nnobians was designated as constitution committee, under the chairperson of Charles Ezeoranu and Okee Okagbue as the secretary, they worked very hard to produce a working constitution for the union.

The purpose of this organization is to provide a canopy and platform where our people can assemble to express their unique cultural heritage and identity, and opportunity to discuss and plan for their socioeconomic and cultural advancement and empowerment.

The inauguration and coming into existence of NUNA took place in Atlanta Georgia, when a good numbers of illustrious sons and daughters of Nnobi from different states in USA gathered on the platform provided by Nnobi union Atlanta, Georgia during their local convention, which took place at Sheraton Gateway hotel from June 19th to 21st, 2014.

By every estimation, we accomplished all the intents of the assembly; the constitution of the new union was reviewed and adopted; interim officers were elected; some individuals from the created NUNA’s regions were nominated and confirmed by members; and individual registrations into the new national union were made. Hurrah!! A new national union known as Nnobi Union North America (NUNA) came into existence.

The following were elected as interim executives of the Union for two years:

President: Charles Ezeoranu of California.
Vice-President: Mbanefo Eruchalu of Florida.
Secretary: Rev. Fr. Okechukwu Okagbue of Michigan.
Assistant Secretary: Ms. Ifeoma Udogwu (nee Ezeonu) of New York.
Financial Secretary: Bob Eruchalu of Georgia.
Treasurer: Sylvester Egbochue of Georgia.
PRO: Peter Ezekwenna of Maryland.
Provost: Emma Ezenyi of Florida.

The followings were nominated as the board members of NUNA:

Prof. Chuks Obah (Ichie Omemma) of Minnesota
Prof. Ferdinand Ofodile of New York
Dr. Emeka Okpala of Atlanta

The guest of honor at this event was His Royal Highness, Igwe Nich Obi (Igwe Omenyili) of Nnobi. His presence and word of advice provided the needed boost and encouragement. Also, in attendance, were Ichie Ebekuedike, Joseph Anyaeche, Ichie, Omemma, Prof. Chuka Obah, Prof. Ferdinand Ofodile, and other dignitaries.

Special thanks go to Nnobi Union Atlanta that willingly step-up to bear the financial burden of playing a host to all of us without minding the cost. They really sacrificed a lot; time, energy, and money for the wellbeing of their compatriots. NUNA remains ever grateful to Dr. Emeka Okpala, the president of Nnobi Union Atlanta and all the members for their spirit of patriotism and generosity.

We hope that the new formed national NUNA and the local branches will provide a vital platform for involvement in activities of social change and advancement both here in diaspora and in our motherland Nnobi, Nigeria. We, therefore, call on all our brothers and sisters in North America to join NUNA.

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